JStebeat v3.6.0

t = 0

Display text (try defining the variable jsteDisplayText! THIS IS EXOTIC AND WILL NOT WORK ON OTHER PLAYERS!!!):

Customization settings


"the funky echo" (by butterroach, Remix of The 8-bit echo by a2aaron)

"dj trill" (by butterroach, Remix of Trill by a2aaron)

"sweet6" (by butterroach, Remix of CA98 by rrrola)

"00D-C1TY" (by butterroach, Remix of the 42 melody ( t*(t>>10&42) ))

"rhythmic modulation" (by butterroach)

"sinpop6" (by butterroach, stereo)

tejeez sped up and with a kick (by butterroach, no name, Remix of tejeez ( t*(t>>5|t>>8)>>(t>>16) ))

"casually walking by" (by butterroach)

"glitchy melody" (by butterroach)

"42 liters" (by butterroach, Remix of 42 melody remix by MentionBig3715)

"pluto" (by butterroach, stereo)

"tired 42 melody" (by butterroach, EXOTIC, Remix of the 42 melody ( t*(t>>10&42) ))

"brownian noise" (by butterroach)

"hopeful stimmer" (by butterroach, Remix of stimmer)

"Example" (by SArpnt, funcbeat, source (click on funcbeat tab))

"boots in bed" (by SArpnt, stereo, funcbeat, source)

"chip" (default code) (by butterroach)

"the destroyer" (by butterroach, only good for developing jstebeat, this isn't even a song, don't click)

"the error" (by butterroach, only good for developing jstebeat, this isn't even a song, don't click)