
TerCol is a small, pure Python library that allows you to color and style text output. TerCol has no dependencies and only requires Python 3.7 or newer. It also supports true color.


To install TerCol, you can use pip to install the tercol module.


import tercol

print(tercol.red('Red text'))
print(tercol.blue('Blue text'))
print(tercol.rgb(255, 215, 0, 'Gold text using RGB'))
print(tercol.hexa(0xffd700, 'Gold text using HEX'))
print(tercol.hsv(51, 100, 100, 'Gold text using HSV'))
print(tercol.rainbowtext('Rainbow text'))


TerCol only requires Python 3.7 or newer. No additional dependencies are needed.

Pros of using TerCol

Cons of using TerCol

GitHub repo

I made the orignal code for this website on my phone and I hate it